Management Committees Revitalization
Enhancing the effectiveness of the Steering Committee in making business decisions, by increasing the cohesion and the establishment of a protocol.
- When facing changes in the environment that require greater competitiveness
- When facing challenges of cohesion among team members
- When there´s a need to increase the overall vision of the team members
- When facing new additions to the S.C.
- Increasing the effectiveness of the Steering Committee as a team
- Identifying strengths and areas for the improvement of the Steering Committee
- Highlighting the existing interaction dynamic of the group
- Fixing protocol team performance for greater efficiency
- Constituting the Steering Committee and team culture model for the rest of the organization
Phase 1: Diagnosis of the current situation
Phase 2: Application of individualized self-knowledge systems
Phase 3: Workshop: the strengths and areas for the improvement of the Steering Committee as a team
Phase 4: Workshop: the functions and role of the member of the Management Committee.
Phase 5: Establishing and monitoring the operation protocol within the team
Strategic process definition; Accelerating and implementing change in the organization; Coaching programs; Development of the management role; Task forces revitalization; Interpersonal / Intergroup conflict management